Screw & Bolt Extractors

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Safely and easily remove bolts from your aircraft using our bolt extractor tools. Don't struggle with tightened, stuck screws and risk damaging nearby parts. Our specialized screw removal tools are perfect for any mechanic or handy aviator looking to purchase an effective item and stop wasting time on stubborn bolts. We carry tools designed to safely get rid of corroded or damaged screws without hassle. At SkyGeek, we understand the frustration you face when ruining a paint job during screw extraction. We carry paint cutter sets to prevent unnecessary paint damage while removing bolts. Just use a paint cutter first to slice through the paint around the screw, then remove! Our paint cutters will eliminate the need for touch ups and new paint jobs. Be sure to use our paint cutter bits first for easy removal every time. Try our General Tools Screw Starters which aids in the installation or removal of bolts in hard-to-reach places.

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