ROYCO 782 is a red – colored "Super Clean", synthetic hydraulic fluid developed to meet the severe duty demands of today's military and industrial equipment. Modern additive technology is employed for oxidative stability, corrosion inhibition, and antiwear protection. ROYCO 782 is compatible with petroleum-based fluids and all components used in mineral oil type hydraulic systems.
ROYCO 782 is intended for use in severe duty applications requiring both low and high temperature operation, extended time periods between service intervals, excellent shear stability, water demulsibility, and the safety factor afforded by the use of a synthetic fluid. ROYCO 782 is recommended for use in aircraft, missile, and ordnance systems using synthetic sealing materials as well as in heavy-duty construction equipment, and industrial robotic hydraulic systems. ROYCO 782 is suitable for use in applications operating at temperatures from -40°C to 205°C. This product is especially recommended for use where the high flash point provides added safety margins.
NATO Specification: H-537 US Military Specification: MIL-PRF-83282D Amend 1 US Military Specification: MIL-H-83282
ROYCO 782 meets the requirements of and is qualified to MIL-SPEC: MIL-PRF-83282D Am 1, NATO Code Number H-537.
Property | Test Method | Royco 782 | Kinematic Viscosity, cSt | | | @ 205°C | ASTM D445 | 1.08 | @ 100°C | ASTM D445 | 3.51 | @ 40°C | ASTM D445 | 14.2 | @ -40°C | ASTM D445 | 2027 | Low Temperature Stability, -40°C, 72 hours | FTM 3458 | pass | Flash Point, °C (°F) | ASTM D92 | 218 (424) | Fire Point, °C (°F) | ASTM D92 | 251 (483) | Pour Point, °C (°F) | ASTM D97 | -61 (-77) | Neutralization No., mq KOH/g | ASTM D664 | 0.03 | Barium Content, ICP-AES, ppm | ASTM D5185 | 0 | Specific Gravity, (15.6°C) | ASTM D1298 | 0.852 | Gravimetric Filtration, mg | ASTM D4898 | 0.1 | Water Content, ppm | ASTM D6304 | 65 | Evaporation, 205°C, 6.5 hours, % loss | FTM 350 | 10.5 | Lubricity, 4-Ball Wear, scar diameter, mm | | | 1 Kg, 1200 RPM, 1 hour, 75°C | ASTM D4172 | 0.14 | 10 Kg, 1200 RPM, 1 hour, 75oC | ASTM D4172 | 0.21 | 40 Kg, 1200 RPM, 1 hour, 75oC | ASTM D4172 | .44 | API Gravity | ASTM D4052 | 0.44 | Solid Particle Contamination, auto counter | | Filtration time, min | 5-15 mμ | FTM 3009 | 722 | 16-25 mμ | FTM 3009 | 95 | 26-50 mμ | FTM 3009 | 27 | 51-100 mμ | FTM 3009 | 4 | 100+ mμ | FTM 3009 | 0 | Foam Characteristics, 25°C, ml 5 min /10 min | ASTM D892 | 4/0 | |
Safety Data Sheet