Lube-Lok 1000 is a vitreous bonded high temperature solid film lubricant designed for use in the 800oF to 1200oF range. The lubricant package consists of synthetic graphite and lead oxide, which provides low friction and medium load carrying capacity in high temperature applications. Lube-Lok 1000X consists of a base coat of Lube-Lok 1000 and a topcoat of Lube-Lok 2006. This combination provides a durable synergism that works best in most applications. The Lube-Lok 2006 topcoat resists the hazards of handling and installation far better than the Lube-Lok 1000 by itself.
Barber-Colman Co. Specification: DYRZ 228 Cessna Specification: CCM-19C, Type 7 Curtis Wright Specification: 5725B General Electric-Aircraft Engines Specification: F65A-GP13 General Electric-Aircraft Engines Specification: F65A-GP7 Hamilton Standard Specification: HS 248 Rev. E thru T, Type A3 Hamilton Standard Specification: HS248 Rev. U, Type A3 Honeywell International Specification: MCS9232 Type 2 Hydro-Aire Co. Specification: HS58, Type 3 Lockheed Martin Corporation Specification: OS 9162A, Type II, Cl. 3 Marquardt Corporation Specification: MPS 1100, Rev. A, Type V, Cl. A, GR3 Boeing McDonnell Douglas-Helicopter Div. Specification: HMS Mat'l Spec 4-1078, Rev. A & B, Ty. IV, No. 1 Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: DMS 1762, thru Rev. A, Type 6B (Cl. 6B) Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: DPM 388-6B Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: DPM 5613-6B Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: DPS 3.177 Rev. E, APEO "K", Type 6B Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. G, 3.2 Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. H, 3.1 Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. H, 3.2 Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. J, 3.1d Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. J, 3.2.1e Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. K & L, 3.1c Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. K & L, 3.2.1d Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. M, 3.1.1a Pratt & Whitney Specification: 10753-0038 Rev. B+B549 Raymond Engineering Specification: 1300-2 Rohr Corporation Specification: RPS 13.81, Rev. P, Type 3 Ryan Specification: MPD123, Type 1 Sundstrand Corporation Specification: MS 34.52-05 Sundstrand Corporation Specification: PN14.16-03, Type V USBI Specification: 10753-0038, Thru Rev. B2 (801=Qt, 802=1 Gal, 803=5 Gal Pail)
Excellent thermal stability Excellent stability in a vacuum Very good wear life Ideal for medium load carrying applications
Lubricating Solid: Graphite Binder: Vitreous Color and Appearance: Gray-Black Matte Finish Carrier: Solvent Solids (by weight): 33%% to 37% Density: 9.9± 0.5 lb/gal (1187 ± 60 grams/liter) Flash Point: 77°F (25°C) Volatile organic compound: 775 grams/liter (6.5 lb/gal) Theoretical Coverage: 340 ft/gal @ 0.5 mils (8.3 m/liter @ 12.7 microns)
Safety Data Sheet