Everlube 620 is a molybdenum disulfide and graphite based solid film lubricant in a thermally cured organic binder system. Everlube 620 provides superior wear reduction, extremely high load-carrying capacity, a low coefficient of friction and prevents both galling and seizing.
A/C Electronics Specification: 7553206 ACF Industries Specification: 6-400100D ACF Industries Specification: 6-6530916 ACF Industries Specification: 6-9903551 Adel Hydraulic Equipment Specification: APS 8.10 Aero-Jet General Specification: AGC 1214105-1 Aeronutronics (Ford) Specification: AMPS 07.6.2 Aeronutronics (Ford) Specification: APS-LB0104 Aeroquip Corporation Specification: ACES 9P13, Rev. A Aeroquip Corporation Specification: ACES 9P13, Rev. AM Aeroquip Corporation Specification: MPB13. 500B, Type I Honeywell Airesearch Specification: FP-17, Rev. G, Type I Honeywell Airesearch Specification: FP-88, Type 01 Allied Signal Specification: 91547-P6435G-P1 American Machine & Foundry Specification: PS 3.15 Amphenol Electronics Corp. Specification: 123-203 Amphenol Electronics Corp. Specification: 200 Autonetics Specification: AA0112-007 Bell Telephone Specification: G3130 Bendix Specification: 1427674 Bendix Specification: 9903551 Bendix Specification: ES 0995, Type B, Cl. I Bendix Specification: FI-1229(B) Bendix (Eclipse Pioneer) Specification: ES0995 Boeing Specification: BAC 5811N, Type VI, Cl. 1 Boeing Specification: BAC 5811N, Type VIII Boeing Specification: BMS 3-3C, Type 1 Boeing Specification: BMS 3-3C, Type 3 Boeing Specification: BMS 3-8C Boeing Specification: BMS 3-8D, Type I Boeing Specification: BMS 3-8E, Type I Boeing Specification: BMS 3-8F, Type I Boeing Specification: PS 18021 Rev. AA, Cl. 2 Boeing Specification: PS 18021 Rev. AA, Cl. 8 Burroughs Specification: S-66316 Canadair Specification: 161-3, D Chrysler Corporation Specification: PS-1409 Rockwell-Collins Specification: 580-0177-00 Controls Co. of America Specification: A143810 Dalmo Victor Specification: DV PST-8U-T-D-E Deutsch-Elec. Comp. Div. Specification: 7-026-01 Edo Corporation Specification: 5370 Edo Corporation Specification: 98, Rev. AJ Fatigue Tech, Inc. Specification: FTI 8403C Ford Specification: ESA-M13P1-A Ford Specification: ESA-M13P2-A Ford Specification: P-180 General Dynamics-Convair Div. Specification: 0-05000 General Dynamics Specification: FPS 0058D, Type A General Electric-Aircraft Engines Specification: P6-TE3 Gilfillan Brothers, Inc. Specification: GPS 20-110 Grumman Aerospace Corp. Specification: LSM-14-6003 Grumman Aerospace Corp. Specification: LSP-14-10300 Grumman Aerospace Corp. Specification: SP-00CS-8 Harris Corporation Specification: 149321 Hiller Specification: HES-29, Cl. 1 Hiller Specification: HES-29, Cl. 2 Holley Carburetor – Div. Colt Inds. Specification: S-424 Hughes Aircraft Co. Specification: HP7-13, Rev. C Hycon Mfg. Co. Specification: 17 Hycon Mfg. Co. Specification: H48074 Hycon Mfg. Co. Specification: H48088, Rev. B Hycon Mfg. Co. Specification: HMS11700 Hycon Mfg. Co. Specification: HPS19001 Hydro-Aire Co. Specification: HS58, Type 1 IBM Specification: CMH 6-4408-001 Kaman Aerospace Corp. Specification: Code 072 Kelsey-Hayes Co. Specification: B-4340 Lockheed Martin Corporation-Aircraft Div. Specification: G81F, Type I Lockheed Martin Corporation-Aircraft Div. Specification: GBLF Lockheed Martin Corporation-Aircraft Div. Specification: LAC 1-362 Lockheed Martin Corporation-Aircraft Div. Specification: LAC 34-362 Lockheed Martin Corporation-Aircraft Div. Specification: LAC-C-0515A, Type II Lockheed Martin Corporation-Aircraft Div. Specification: STP 62-005A, Type I Lockheed Martin Corporation-Aircraft Div. Specification: WS 9425(2), Type I Lockheed Martin Corporation Specification: OS 9067, Type II LTV Aerospace & Defense Specification: 208-10-10 LTV Aerospace & Defense Specification: CVA-10-87 Martin Marietta Specification: P41001 Boeing McDonnell Douglas-Helicopter Div. Specification: 764799-5, Rev. A Boeing McDonnell Douglas-Helicopter Div. Specification: HMS 20-1071, Rev. E Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: 1P20012 Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: DPS 3.177 Rev. E, APEO "K", Type 2 Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. G, 3.1 Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. G, 3.2 Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. H, 3.1 Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. H, 3.2 Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. J, 3.2.1h Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. K & L, 3.2.1g Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: PS.18021 Rev. M, 3.2.1c Boeing McDonnell Douglas Specification: STM0300 US Military Specification: 67B-58856 US Military Specification: M.P.D. 169 US Military Specification: M.P.D. 3935 US Military Specification: M.P.D. 9076 US Military Specification: M.P.D. 9162 US Military Specification: OS 9067, Type II National Water Lift Co. Specification: MP-210, Rev. L thru N, Type 14 Northrop Grumman Corporation Specification: NAI-1115A Northrop Grumman Corporation Specification: 36-00-00, Type I Northrop Grumman Corporation Specification: 36-00-00, Type III Northrop Grumman Corporation Specification: RL-5A, Types 1 to 4 Nupro Company Specification: NS-125, Rev. F Parker Hannifin Corporation Specification: BPS4528 Ty 14 Parker Hannifin Corporation Specification: ES-F61-8 Pastushin Aviation Corp. Specification: PR-5 Radio Corp. of America Specification: 1008370 Republic Aviation Specification: RE-PS-14-1, Group 10 Republic Aviation Specification: RE-PS-14-1, Group 3 Republic Aviation Specification: RE-PS-14-1, Group 4 Republic Aviation Specification: RE-PS-14-1, Group 5 Republic Aviation Specification: RE-PS-14-1, Group 6 Republic Aviation Specification: RE-PS-14-1, Group 7 Republic Aviation Specification: RE-PS-14-1, Group 8 Robertshaw-Fulton Controls Co. Specification: RPS L-3, Type 2 Rockwell Specification: LAO112-001, Type I, Cl. 1 & 2 Rockwell Specification: LBO140-001, Type II Rockwell Specification: NA2-2026 Rockwell Specification: RAO112-001, Type I, Cl. 1 & 2 Rockwell Specification: RAO112-006, Type I, Cl. 1 Rockwell Specification: RBO140-003 Rockwell Specification: RBO140-008 Rockwell Specification: RBO140-026, Rev.---, Type I, Cl. 1 Rockwell International Specification: RBO140-026, Rev. A, Type I, Cl. 1 (Spec in P&W file) Roylyn Corporation Specification: PYY 03-001, Cl. 1 & 2 Ryan Specification: MPD123, Type 1 Sandia National Laboratories Specification: 400100 Sandia National Laboratories Specification: 6530916 Sandia National Laboratories Specification: 9903551 Sier Bath Gear Co. Specification: SOPS 73-029, Group 10 Sier Bath Gear Co. Specification: SOPS 73-029, Group 3 Sier Bath Gear Co. Specification: SOPS 73-029, Group 4 Sier Bath Gear Co. Specification: SOPS 73-029, Group 5 Sier Bath Gear Co. Specification: SOPS 73-029, Group 6 Sier Bath Gear Co. Specification: SOPS 73-029, Group 7 Space Systems Loral Specification: 020231 Rev B thru C, -0001 Space Technology Laboratories, Inc. Specification: P6-8 Sperry Gyroscope Co. Specification: Finish No. 49, Rev. F Sperry Gyroscope Co. Specification: M692024 Textron Lycoming Engines Specification: P6435A thru H, -P1 (or Ty. I) Townsend Co. Specification: C-20 TRW Specification: P6-8 & MIL-L-8937 Valcor Engineering Corporation Specification: S151 Rev. AG Type G Vetco Gray Specification: VGS 6.3.3 Vought Specification: CVA10-402 Weston Hydraulics, Ltd. Specification: WPS-10015 Weston Hydraulics, Ltd. Specification: WPS-10050, Rev. H Whitey Co. Specification: WS-18, Rev. E Whittaker Controls Specification: SPS118, 1D
Ideal for higher load carrying applications Excellent coefficient of friction, good wear life Very good chemical resistance Suitable for Medical ISO 10993 bio-compatibility testing
Lubricating Solid: MoS, Graphite Binder: High Molecular Weight Phenolic Color and Appearance: Gray/Black Matte Finish Carrier: Solvent Borne Solids (by weight): 35 to 39% Density: 9.2 ± 0.5 lb/gal (1102 ± 60 grams/liter) Flash Point: 38°F (3°C) Volatile Organic Compound: 695 grams/liter (5.8 lb/gal) Theoretical Coverage: 545 ft/gal @ 0.5 mils (13.3 m/liter @ 12.7 microns) Alternative or Repair Coatings: A low VOC alternative coatings for Everlube 620 is our Everlube 9001. For touch-up applications, Lubri-Bond A works well with Everlube 620. Dry Film Thickness: 0.2 to 0.7 mils (5 to 18 microns) Dilution / Cleanup Solvent: 600 Solvent or 50/50 ethyl alcohol and toluene Dilution Ratio: 1:1 to 1:3 (Product to Solvent) Cure Cycle: 1 hr@300°F to 375°F Suggested Pretreatment: Grit Blast and/or Phosphate Suggested Application Methods: Dip Spin / Spray
Safety Data Sheet