Make fuel leaks a thing of the past by ordering 3M™ AC-350 Fuselage and Fuel Tank Sealant from SkyGeek. The powerful two-part sealant is designed to be mixed before use to ensure maximum potency and sealing power. Once mixed, the gas tank sealer can begin to cure, adhering well to the inside of your aircraft’s fuel tank or fuselage. The chemically resistant formula is safe around aviation fuels and gasoline, maintaining its hold and sealing capabilities flight after flight. 3M™ AC-350 Fuselage and Fuel Tank Sealant can be used on a variety of surfaces, including metal, composite and coated substrates. The gas tank sealant has a low shrink rate and the class B-2, Type II formula is designed to meet your unique needs. The 3M™ AC-350 Fuselage and Fuel Tank Sealant is a polysulfide sealant with a thixotropic paste consistency that provides superb tooling properties. The class B fuel tank sealer has no added solvents and cures readily, reducing downtime for sealing aircraft fuel tanks and saving money.
Application Life and Cure Time
(At 75 degrees F, 50% Relative Humidity)
*Application life refers to the length of time that mixed compound remains at a consistency suitable for application with spatula or caulking gun. Application life is always measured at a standard temperature of 77 degrees F with a relative humidity of 50%. In general, for every 20 degree rise in temperature, the application life is halved; and for every 20 degree drop, it is doubled. High humidity levels during the mixing process will shorten application life.
**Tack-free time is the length of time after which a mixed sealant will no longer tightly adhere to LP-P-690 standard low-density polyethylene film.
***Cure time is defined as the length of time it takes AC-350 Class B sealant to reach 30A hardness. It depends on three factors: remaining application life, temperature and relative humidity. The temperature/humidity factors for application life also apply to curing. To accelerate the curing process, apply heat up to (but no more than) 140 degrees F.
Typical Physical and Performance Properties of Cured Compound after 14 days at 77 degrees F / 50% Relative Humidity