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This item is non-cancel-able & non-returnable. By checking this box you agree that once your order is placed, you will not be able to cancel or return this item. Before checking this box, please take note of any long lead times.
Bear with us for a few minutes here, and we'll tell you all about the different kinds of ball bearings we offer. Instead of running around to different places to meet project requirements, do all your aviation parts shopping with us, and we'll save you valuable time and even more valuable money. In our virtual bearings department, you'll find military standard ball bearings, airframe ball bearings, self-aligning plain bearings, bearing sleeves, needle roller bearings and rod end bearings.
When your work demands perfection (and when doesn't it?) then you'll find that SkyGeek is your most important partner in crime. We've been supporting fellow do-it-yourself pilots and professionals in business, commercial and military aviation for more than 40 years.